VGA to Scart

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Hello all, First post for me, here on LCD. We used to watch our DVD movies through the VGA input on my LCD, wired/configured as a second monitor. I moved the LCD from the stand to a wall bracket, extended the power cable to reach, and god knows what I was doing, connected live to earth! I've been doing stuff like this for years, with the capability of building my own circuits, I guess a momentary lapse of attention cost me the VGA input on the LCD, because it now doesn't work, and the nVidia FX5200 card I was using, has died too. I now run a less than decent nVidia card that has a S-Video output, which I have stepped down to just Composite, because I require a long length of cable and had loads of sattelite coax and I use that.
I came across a Thread on this Forum
VGA - Scart RGB?

and info here
VGA to RGB SCART Direct Drive with ATi Radeon

I still have my old VGA extension leads, and have attached a scart at the end of the last one.

Can I use a AA 1.5v cell to tell the Scart on the LCD to use RGB? Should I risk trying my nVidia card, because when I click to accept in Powerstrip with Interlaced checked, it confirms my card accepts this change?
If not I have a ATI Rage 128PRO, will this do?

Also my LCD is a 4:3 set, does anyone know what settings to use as a starter?

It will take several more months before we can afford a new telly, and Her indoors misses the quality of VGA.
Thank you.
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