The current-day usefulness to our hobby of public A.I. sites?

diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
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There is still the need to know how to separate the good information from the bad. So far that is a challenge best suited to people. Eg, it sometimes requires knowing at least some of the topic at hand, giving us a small window of confidence as we advance.
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Is there anything there for us to use? If yes, what kinds of things have you been able to get it to do?

Or is the answer 'it doesn't really do that yet'?
AI is good at art.

For instance, if you trained it on 10,000 comic books, it could give you back something that looks analagous.

It's quite awful at engineering. If you asked it to make a two-way loudspeaker, it would have no idea where to start. It just regurgitates back what you train it on.

Where AI will be very useful in loudspeaker design is something that's already been explored over on the ATH thread:

step 1: you give it a design

step 2: you allow parameters of that design to vary. For instance, you could give it a waveguide and tell the AI that it can vary the depth of the waveguide by plus or minus 25%

step 3: then you let 'er rip, and have the AI spew out a thousand iterations of said waveguide

step 4: and then provide it a series of success criterias. For instance, "show me the waveguide with the smoothest polar response on and off axis"

But this isn't really AI, it's just a brute force approach

Like a lot of nerds, I've been tinkering with stable diffusion. At first, it seems like magic. But quite quickly you realize that it can't do something as basic as "make me a picture of what a human being looks like from overhead" UNLESS it's been trained on that. If it hasn't been trained, it can't simulate it. Many of the eye-popping art pieces and fake photos are based on the fact that the models been trained on thousands of images from a comparable perspective; once you tell the AI to make a photo from a different perspective, it can't, because there is no data.

Thinking out loud here, I guess one legitimate use of "real" AI would be to take all of the preference scores collected by Harman and various other companies, train the AI on what works and what doesn't, and then have it create something that's in the same ballpark. But it would only be able to make the crudest approximations; it might be able to tell you that a two-way loudspeaker that uses a particular woofer and tweeter size will often produce good results. But we already know that, and the AI can't do complex tasks like "design a crossover" or "make an ABEC simulation and run it."
Well, I think it can answer questions just fine, what I want is proof of creativity. I want it to design something, not emulate a style of design. Big difference.

An audio example of a creative task - See if it can design a solid state replacement for a vacuum tube, maybe?
It is garbage and will always be garbage.

The equivalent to interns writing tech documents
with no experience. Back in my tech days.

The would re write old documents well written
by older experienced engineers. Already stored
on the companies servers.

Rather comical all the garbage they made
can now be done for free and save money
when companies want to " update"

In the end still garbage....Fired
After managers had meetings with managers.
We actually did the work. Delete Delete Delete.
And restored the original documents.

It is a tough world for office princesses.
When they actually have to work LOL
Instead of handing over work to AI's
and non qualified people.
See if it can design a solid state replacement for a vacuum tube, maybe?

Real Humans did that in 1947
Called a Transistor.

But I do get your point how cool it would be.

AI's just recycle known information.
Most of which is wrong and out of context.

It is like warehouse workers that finally mature.
They finally realize the old saying.
It is more work, do not work.

You constantly have to revise your input
to a AI to even get a basic accurate response.
Then realize it is recycling generic answers
from google. Usually wrong and opinionated
with some facts included.
So it is essential the same thing, More Work
to get no work done.
It will be interesting to see how Amaras Law will play out with AI. AI isn't magic.

I told a tech worshipping friend over a bite to eat recently that I didn't care about AI. He was shocked. Subsequent to that proclaimation he had the look on his face of "I'm sitting here eating with an Apostate, what do I do now?". Nevertheless, we're still friends.
Joined 2021
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Well, I think it can answer questions just fine, what I want is proof of creativity. I want it to design something, not emulate a style of design. Big difference.

An audio example of a creative task - See if it can design a solid state replacement for a vacuum tube, maybe?

I am going to submit this question. Don't hold your breadth. My contraption has improved a lot over the last 9 months, but it's far from perfect yet.
The rate of progress is pretty high, though.
Joined 2021
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Here is the output I got...I specified the 300B tube to maybe make the problem easier:

To design a solid-state replacement for the Western Electric 300B vacuum tube that replicates all its key
characteristics, we must first detail the essential electrical properties, operating voltages, power output, and
harmonic distortion figures of the 300B tube.

The challenges in emulating these characteristics with solid-state technology include:

1. Thermal Stability: Vacuum tubes can dissipate heat more effectively than solid-state devices, which may
require additional heat sinks or cooling systems.
2. Response Curves: The non-linear response of vacuum tubes contributes to their characteristic sound, which is
difficult to replicate with solid-state devices that have a more linear response.
3. Harmonic Distortion: Vacuum tubes naturally produce a type of harmonic distortion that is often perceived as
musically pleasing. Solid-state devices typically have lower distortion, which is not always musically desirable.

To address these challenges, the selection of materials and components would involve:

1. Semiconductors: High-power transistors, such as MOSFETs or BJTs, could be chosen for their ability to handle
high voltages and currents. JFETs might be used for their tube-like input characteristics.
2. Circuit Topologies: Class A or AB amplifier designs could be considered for their ability to produce a warm
sound similar to tubes. Push-pull configurations might also be used to increase power output and efficiency.
3. Heat Dissipation: The design would include heat sinks or other cooling methods to manage the heat produced by
the solid-state devices.

The circuit design approach would involve:

1. Biasing Techniques: These would be carefully designed to ensure the transistors operate in the desired region
of their response curve, potentially emulating the "sweet spot" of the 300B tube.
2. Feedback Mechanisms: Negative feedback could be used to control gain and stabilize the amplifier, but it
would be applied judiciously to avoid over-damping the sound, which could remove the desired tube-like qualities.

To mimic the warm, rich tonal qualities of the 300B tube, the solid-state design could:

1. Incorporate Harmonic Distortion: Intentionally introduce harmonic distortion in a controlled manner to
emulate the tube's sound signature.
2. Use DSP: Digital signal processing could be employed to model and replicate the dynamic behavior and harmonic
content of the 300B tube.

Innovative or unconventional methods might include:

1. Digital Emulation: Use software to model the vacuum tube's characteristics and apply this model in real-time
to the audio signal processed by the solid-state device.
2. Hybrid Approaches: Combine solid-state and vacuum tube elements to capture the advantages of both

Practical aspects like manufacturability, cost-effectiveness, power efficiency, and reliability would be addressed

1. Choosing Widely Available Components: Select components that are mass-produced and readily available to keep
costs down.
2. Designing for Manufacturability: Ensure the design is simple enough to be manufactured with standard
techniques and equipment.
3. Ensuring Reliability: Use well-established solid-state design principles to create a robust and reliable

Finally, comparing historical methods used in vacuum tube technology with modern solid-state innovations provides
insight into how these two worlds can be bridged. While vacuum tubes use thermionic emission and operate at high
voltages, solid-state devices use current flow through semiconductors and can operate at lower voltages, which can
be an advantage in terms of power efficiency and safety.

In conclusion, the design of a solid-state replacement for the 300B vacuum tube would involve a careful balance of
technical specifications, sound quality emulation, and practical considerations. By leveraging the latest
advancements in semiconductor technology and innovative design approaches, it is possible to create a solid-state
device that not only mimics the electrical behavior of the 300B tube but also captures the essence of its revered
sound quality.

So, clearly, no magic bullet.
Found this an interesting read. Includes a good overview of past claimed successes.


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I asked it again, specifying no DSP and no software...

Still very vague, but granted 99.99% of the population can barely change a light bulb, I still find the output fascinating.

To create a solid-state replacement for the 300B vacuum tube that emulates its essential characteristics without
using DSP or software solutions, we must focus on replicating the tube's electrical properties, power output, anode
current, and unique harmonic distortion profile using semiconductor technology. Here is a comprehensive approach to
solving this problem:

1. Electrical Properties and Operating Conditions: The 300B tube operates with plate voltages ranging from 200V
to 450V and grid voltages from -33V to -100V, with a plate current not exceeding 100 milliamperes. The solid-state
design must accommodate these conditions. Silicon transistors are the most practical choice due to their
availability and maturity, but other materials like Germanium or Gallium Arsenide could be considered for their
distinct electrical properties.

2. Transistor Selection: JFETs or MOSFETs are suitable for their high input impedance and ability to replicate
the triode-like behavior. MOSFETs, in particular, can handle higher power levels and voltages, which is beneficial
for emulating the 300B's operating conditions.

3. Circuit Design: A single-ended Class A amplifier configuration is a logical starting point due to its
simplicity and ability to produce a harmonically rich output. Push-pull configurations can also be considered for
higher power efficiency.

4. Biasing and Feedback: Careful biasing is required to set the transistors in their optimal operating region,
emulating the linearity of the 300B tube. Negative feedback can be used to reduce distortion and improve linearity,
but it should be applied judiciously to preserve the desired tonal qualities.

5. Harmonic Distortion Emulation: The harmonic distortion profile of the 300B tube is a key aspect of its sound.
This can be emulated by introducing elements into the circuit that produce a similar even-order harmonic distortion.
This might involve asymmetrical biasing or the use of passive components that introduce non-linearities.

6. Thermal Management: Solid-state devices generate heat, which must be managed through proper heatsinking and
thermal design to ensure stability and longevity.

7. Power Supply Design: A high-quality power supply is crucial for maintaining the stability of the amplifier
and reducing noise. It should provide the necessary voltages and currents without introducing interference.

8. Audio Characteristics: The warm, rich tonal output of the 300B tube is subjective but can be approached by
focusing on the amplifier's frequency response, transient response, and distortion characteristics. Listening tests
will be essential to refine the design.

9. Practical Aspects: The design must be manufacturable, cost-effective, power-efficient, and reliable. This
involves selecting widely available components, designing for ease of assembly, and ensuring the design is robust
over time.

In conclusion, the solid-state replacement for the 300B vacuum tube should be based on a single-ended Class A or
push-pull configuration using JFETs or MOSFETs, with careful attention to biasing, feedback, and the introduction of
controlled harmonic distortion. The design should be iteratively refined through simulation, prototyping, and
listening tests to ensure that it not only meets the technical specifications but also captures the subjective audio
qualities of the original tube. Practical considerations of manufacturability, cost, efficiency, and reliability
must also be addressed to ensure the solution is viable for real-world application.