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Premium Finemet Transformers

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After the loss of Chris (cdwitmer), our great supporter and friend, we were not informing much on this forum.

Meantime we continued developing our drivers and supporting hardwares. Now we also have strong supporter, Kenji @ Audio Feast in Nashville TN USA. (His English is much better than mine...)

I asked him to share some of our new development and update in this forum.

Please be prepared for the news!
I will try to update what is going on @ Teramot-san's development room!

All Finemet Field coil Power Supply:

We were making small change on drivers for refinement. However revolutionary change was happened on field coil power supply.

We just delivered a custom designed unit to an customer in USA, and he was extremely happy about the result. Once I get his permission, I will post his impression on here.

The field coil power supply has zero feedback, zero electrolytic capacitor, All Finemet transformer and Chokes.

The best part of this power supply is sound stage and decay of the sound. How sound is disappearing to the space is amazing! I tried constant current, constant voltage... etc but never had success of this level.

We are using similar power supply for our DAC and the result is one big smile!

Finemet DAC output transformers:
Teramoto-san's reference CD player is EMT 981. It is heavily modified with Finemet power supply transformer, custom regulators and Finemet line output transformers.

Now his CD player is taking vacation. Newly delivered Bumpei-san's SDTrans + Buffalo DAC is on his reference digital system now. It uses Finemet DAC output transformers for I/V low pass stage on ES9018, and power supply uses two custom Finemet power transformers and chokes.

While we were developing DAC output transformer for ES9018. Many people were requesting development for AK4399 (4396) and PCM1795 (1794).

Now transformers for ES9018 and AK4399 are available, and PCM1795 are in beta testing.

We tested various digital filter setting on ES9018 while watching FFT spectrum on screen, the best result was no digital filter. We can clearly see the digital filter is doing their job on the screen, but visual result was not reflecting to positive listening result.

We also tested different power supplies. What we learned is that quality of the power supply and output (I/V low pass) stage make bigger difference than type of DAC chips.

Urushi Capacitor:
Last year we evaluated many different capacitors on the market. I mean we spent some hard earned money just for testing, more than a pair of TA300B ;)

Finemet transformer is very transparent, you can hear phase shift (or non stability) on coupling capacitor and power supply capacitors, and chokes... Replacing only output transformers to Finemet and keeping electrolytic capacitors, PIO capacitors, orient core chokes etc..., usually does not work well, we can hear too much of the negative characteristics of the rest of the amplifier.

For the best result, we need to evaluate all the component in the amplifier. We measured static and dynamic phase response of the capacitor. Once the capacitor pass the measurement, we put them into the circuit and performed some listening test.

After the both testing, we found some good ones, but not a perfect one, and Teramoto-san did some magic, Urushi finish capacitors. If we touch Urushi before it gets dry, it will act like a poison ivy juice. You will never forget the experience! You can try DIY, but hell! I will not try this at home!

Now all Feastrex Maekawa amplifier use Urushi capacitors.

All Finemet Amplifier:
Feastrex is using Finemet output transformer for several years now. In the beginning we used only the output transformer, then power supply choke, now also power transformer... Now we use them for everything!

Feastrex builds amplifier for Feastrex speaker owners, not for general public. They just do not have production capability at this moment.

We are working on All Finemet 300B SET with Takatsuki TA-300B made in Japan. All the custom Finemet transformers and Teramoto-san's special treatment are done. Now we are waiting for Maekawa-san, great amp builder @ Feastrex for assembling them and shipping to USA!!

The Giant Killer, CV4055 push-pull amplifier also got some face lift. The last batch of the amplifier was shipped to Canada, Mike Tang Audio for TAVE SHOW, Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show 2011, Sep. 30 – Oct. 2.

What is next:
Demo evaluation Transformers for AK4399 DAC and ES9018 are delivered to Audio Feast in Nashville, TN. We will post how we will coordinate evaluation and its request.

Custom Finemet Transformers for DIYers. Yes, if you want to build your own Finemet amplifers, please contact us!

NF9ex is on drawing board now. We are designing field coil magnetic circuit. Release date is some time in 2012, possibly at RMAF 2012? not sure yet...
Finemet ES9018 DAC Direct Output Transformer Evaluation

For sending demo unit around, I have couple of questions.
  • Do you think one week evaluation period is long enough, or need more?
  • I am thinking about putting transformers in shielded case for avoid shipping damage. Is this OK or do you want to receive them as naked? (using shielded case is strongly recommended by our transformer designer.)

Demo Transformer process:
1. You send me PM for demo transformer request
2. I will send you my shipping address.
3. You send me a check for $1030
4. Once I receive your check, your name will be on the waiting list.
5. You enjoy the demo unit.
6. Write your review on this thread.
7. You will ship demo unit to next DIYer.
8. Once delivery is confirmed, I will dispose your check.

If you have any comment or suggestions, please let me know!

These pictures should show how transformer looks like, and How I am testing these transformers in the case. The bottom picture shows testing beta PCM1795 DAC transformer with DAC from Raleigh Audio (K & K Audio).

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Hi Kenji,

Good to hear that.... If ever you are in Singapore.. Let me know, I'll be more than happy to show you my Feastrex experiments.. and other stuff.. :D Btw will be sending you a PM.



Hello BTW,

I heard about you from Teramoto-san.
I talk to Teramosto-san almost every day. We talk about idea for Audio experiment and result all the time!! Life in Feastrex world is very exciting!!!

The images seem to be gone as I cannot open any of them. Would you please re-post them?


For sending demo unit around, I have couple of questions.
  • Do you think one week evaluation period is long enough, or need more?
  • I am thinking about putting transformers in shielded case for avoid shipping damage. Is this OK or do you want to receive them as naked? (using shielded case is strongly recommended by our transformer designer.)
Demo Transformer process:
1. You send me PM for demo transformer request
2. I will send you my shipping address.
3. You send me a check for $1030
4. Once I receive your check, your name will be on the waiting list.
5. You enjoy the demo unit.
6. Write your review on this thread.
7. You will ship demo unit to next DIYer.
8. Once delivery is confirmed, I will dispose your check.

If you have any comment or suggestions, please let me know!

These pictures should show how transformer looks like, and How I am testing these transformers in the case. The bottom picture shows testing beta PCM1795 DAC transformer with DAC from Raleigh Audio (K & K Audio).

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Your package will be shipped tomorrow. so far none is requested for demo, if you need more than two weeks, just let me know!

I used left over paper from Feastrex diaphragm for filling gap between transformer and shielded case. I put a small piece for you to play. Try to cut the paper with your hands! You will surprise how strong the paper is!!:D
Feastrex finemet power supply

Hello everyone,
I am the proud owner of the new finemet Feastrex power supply. The
unit is true dual mono construction with zero feedback. It uses
finemet transformers and chokes in combination with non-electrolytic
capacitors and Cree Zero recovery diodes for rectification.

When the selector knob is pointing upward the power supply is off.
Turn the monster knob to the left and there are 5 lower voltage
settings at approximately: 7.1, 6.9, 6.7, 6.5 and 6.3 . Turn the knob
to the right and there are an additional 5 higher voltage settings at
approximately: 13.7, 14.2, 14.7, 15.2 and 15.7 volts. The ten
different voltage settings give you a great deal of flexibility for
tailoring the sound of the drivers, but at 6.5 volts the drivers are
downright magical. Once you experience the units 6.5 volt setting the
level of musical reproduction and ambiance that the Feastrex field
coil drivers are capable of delivering is immediately realized.

Kenji did not exaggerate in saying that a there was a revolutionary
change in the Feastrex power supply.

The finemet power supply improves every aspect of musical
reproduction. The bass has more weight and depth, and the 3D
imagining is greatly improved. Sound radiates in a wider pattern as
opposed to the older power supply having a more focused image. This
creates a larger soundstage and sweet spot with an image that floats
higher than ever before. The top end is clearly smoother and more
open. Natural sounding music with an unbelievably realistic decay now
flows out of the drivers as opposed to sounding more forced and
constricted with the older power supply.

The difference is astonishing. I would have never guessed that a
power supply would have made such an impact. If you own a pair of
Feastrex field coil drivers, the new finemet power supply is
unquestionably the next piece of the puzzle. The finemet power
supply improved the sound of my system more than any amplifier,
preamplifier or source component and its not even close. You will not
be disappointed.

We spent over a year for R&D for new power supply. We tried many different configurations, from simple constant voltage source, constant current, and all discrete circuit etc...

When field coil speaker is operating at optimum condition, they act like a audio transformer. i.g. voice coil is primary, field coil is secondary, and yoke is core....

Key concept is let speaker sing. When music signal comes from voice coil to field coil, we do not want to regulate music signal at field coil power supply. At same time, we need to supply clean DC power.

This new power supply uses no feedback, open loop design with the best components that we can get today.

Below is some pictures from prototyping...
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Anyone interested for all FINEMET, 300B SET?
Power transformers, B+ Chokes, Heater chokes, Output transformers, all Finemet!

Mr. Maekawa@Feastrex Japan is working on my Takatsuki TA-300B SET. This amplifier is going to be the main amplifier for Audio Feast listening room in Nashville TN. Hopefully, Santa will bring it to my house with NF9ex... :D

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I'm definitely interested in the Maekawa finemet 300B amplifier. Do you know what other tubes it uses?

Here are some pics of my Feastrex finemet power supply.---Beastrex


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