Nishiki hybrid amp

diegot said:
A english version of this elektor's article would be very usefull for me.
Anyone can help me with this?

I don't have it in english. And at internet, for free download is only dutch version.

Now, I am sure some member in UK may have this Elektor magazine issue from 1997, at home.
We need such member with a scanner to read this topic.

Chance is not very big ....

If you know a bit german, like me, is not very big problem.
Dutch and german is not too different.
So I can understand that dutch PDF rather well.
But would be too much work to translate all that text.

And besides, I have that 1997 magazine in my own language here at home.


However this is a great solution buy!

The Audio Collection 1
More than 75 audio designs for home construction
More than 75 audio circuits from the past five year volumes of Elektor Electronics magazine. Includes:
- surround-sound decoder
- compact amp
- sampling rate converter
- battery powered preamplifier
- Titan 2000
Using the included Acrobat Reader you are able to browse the articles on your computer, as well as print texts, circuit diagrams and PCB layouts.

And I am almost sure this hybrid amplifier is on that Elektor CD.
There is also a later audio Elektor CD
The Audio Collection 2

The price is £12.05 per CD.
If you buy both, you will have the best audio projects published at least last 10 years.
With full articles, schematics, description and building instructions
... in english.


An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I was reading some stuff over at John Broskie's Tube Cad Journal and there is a mention of an interesting hybrid published in Electronics World, October 1995 by Jeff Mcauly titled "Hot Audio Power" The only library around here that carries the magazine has the page turn out of it. :xeye:

Anyone happen to have a schematic for it?

smoking-amp said:
I was reading some stuff over at John Broskie's Tube Cad Journal and there is a mention of an interesting hybrid published in Electronics World, October 1995 by Jeff Mcauly titled "Hot Audio Power" The only library around here that carries the magazine has the page turn out of it. :xeye:

Anyone happen to have a schematic for it?

Yeah, you are right!

This article was first mentioned by member boholm from Denmark
in April 2005 in this post:
opamp driving tubes

In Electronics World October 1995 issue under the title "Hot audio power" Jeff Macaulay designs a 32W power amplifier with a full power bandwidth of 5 Hz to 55 kHz and 0.07% distorsion at 200W - taken from the intro of the article.

So it has already been done. His trick was to put a transistor on the output of the opamp to drive the valves.

The article can be purchased at for £4.00.

Hot audio power

Hot audio power Jeff Macaulay October 1995, p856
Having designed a 32W power amplifier with a full power bandwidth of 5Hz to 55kHz and 0.07% distortion at 20W,
combining valves and semiconductors can produce unexpectedly good performance.
See Circuit Ideas July 1996, p608

Add to Cart
Electronics World Magazine - - Full list

gbyleveldt said:
Hi Lineup,

I have both those CD's and I don't think the hybrid design is in there :bawling: . I'll have a look at home though.

Sorry to hear :xeye:
A little bit surprised, because it really should be on that CD #1

Elektor has had quite a few Tube Circuit and Hybrid projects.
Among these another hybrid,
but in this case a Headphone Amp Tube + Solid State hybrid amplifier.
Many of Elektor tube amplifier projects has been a bit unusual
not often using NOS Tubes, but mainstream easy-to-find ordinary tubes.

For example, there has been a number of different circuits
using ordinary tubes, triodes, at low voltage, in simple or little more complex ways,
to create and add tube like sound to your audio system chain.
I don't know how well this can work, though. But I have all those schematics.

Has often been in those
special issues of Elektor: Many small projects / circuit ideas' in one magazine.
Those small nice circuits, not 100% complete with PCB, are easily forgotten.
But I find them one of the best things that Elektor magazine can offer you.


My contribution :-

I think the original came from Bewbush Audio about 1988



  • mosfet amp 1.jpg
    mosfet amp 1.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 1,789
Neither of the above are very good, they both generate quite an excess of heat from the output stage because of the limited swing of the tube stage, they both generate a rather big thump in the speaker when powered on, and they both use their tubes in suboptimal conditions because they try to use the same power supply for the tube and SS stages.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

SE Hybrid Tube / MOSFET Headphone Amplifier.
Is available as KIT from BORBELY AUDIO

Hitachi 2SJ79 and 2SK216 for Q3 and Q4 respectively.

Some notes on the linearity of the amplifier.
The input tube dominates the overall distortion characteristics of the amplifier. Tubes of different manufacturers produce different amount on distortion.
I have tested the
ECC86 from Telefunken and Ultron,
ECC88 from AEG and
E88CC/6922 from Tungsram and Russian Military.

The difference in THD can be 6-10dB! The Russian 6922 produced the lowest THD.
We are shipping the kits with these tubes. Nevertheless I recommend that you try different types of tubes, and select the one you like best.

Hi Ilimzn!

Neither of the above are very good, they both generate quite an excess of heat from the output stage because of the limited swing of the tube stage, they both generate a rather big thump in the speaker when powered on, and they both use their tubes in suboptimal conditions because they try to use the same power supply for the tube and SS stagesv.

Could you suggest a better one??? I am also looking for a good tube pre for my SEWA Mosfet follower. Maybe you could help me?!?:)

