New Idea For Reflective Projector

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Hey has anyone ever found some sort of mirror which you can shine light through. For example, instead of disassembling the lcd monitor, get it to reflect onto a mirror or something, then shine the light through that. It would be very easy to construct, much easier than shining the light directly thorugh the lcd.


i did some searching and the topic i think ur talking about is different. i have a attached a picture of wat i mean



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are you thinking of this thread "Reflective type DIY projector (easy) "?. I have read through the forums and there is nothing on that idea. Mayb it has been deleted. The main reason i want to take this approach is because i dont wanna pull apart my lcd screen as it would be a bit hard to mount.

Jake I say go for it. The worst that can happen is that it doesn't work and you can just scrap the parts that you used to build a different design. A lot of people on this forum say things don't work or will not work and some are even proven wrong, so I say follow your ideas if they make sense to you! :)
yeh i want to start with this idea. i have done some research and it proves that this idea should work, the only problem is that i can not find anything that is like a mirror (reflects things) and can also have light passed through it. mayb that stuff that they use in some offices, the tint they put on the windows so on one side you can see through, and on the other it is just a mirror.

jake said:
thanks frank,

hey 1st i would like to ask a question, if any1 goes off topic, like in antoher 1 of my forums, it was about car stereos and they started talking about garden lighting, can we just tell them to get back on topic 1st?


Sure no problemo :)

If you see it's going OT enough that you want me to remove posts or help out then let me know :) It's your tread so you know how much OT you want in here :D
Frosted Glass

This maybe way out there, but in the spirit of this thread (experimental) I submit it.

I think I read once about some projection tv's using etched or sandblasted glass for the projection screen. (If I am out to lunch on this, be nice)

Maybe this would work for your project, if you frosted the glass it might give the light something to "stick to". It's worth a shot, of course maybe plain glass will work fine, but if not you should be able to find the chemicals for glass etching or frosting, in a craft store. It is a fairly common craft thing.

Hope this helps
I read some posts of this thread and I want to say that this project is a can't enance the reflected light by using a second light that shine through the mirror!!! It will simply lighten the entire image. To project an image you have to pass the light through the lcd because the elements of the lcd change their color and opacity so the light that pass through them will change is color and intensity. I don't know if the problem is clear, also my english is not wery well but trust can't project an image in this way.

i think that you are totally wrong. i have kind of tested the idea and it does work, just remember, the glass is reflecting the image on the lcd, so it is basically an lcd that can pass a lot more light through than a re3al lcd.

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