Having the last word.

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Thread history - a few Milestones

Thread history - a few Milestones

Circlotron said:
Either I am the most boring person in the Universe, or most everybody feels out-classed by me. I cannot count just how many threads I have added my bit to and then straight away they come to a dead stop. Nobody adds anything else. What's going on??? :bawling:

halojoy said:

Most threads die quick.
Some live longer.
Some very long.

Same as with all living things, actually.. :cannotbe:

/halo - will also die one day

halojoy said:

Yes, that is worst.
Like noone even noticed your existens.... :rolleyes:

halo - existensialist

kelticwizard said:

I don't know what you are complaining about. There are so many annoying pests who will go to great lengths just to have The Last Word, (whether they actually have anything to say or not). Here, people just give The Last Word to you willingly, without a fight, and you wonder what's wrong with you!!

If you could figure out how to bottle that technique, every boor in the world would buy a case of the stuff.

You're too nice of a guy, Circlotron. You have a potential gold mine there and you don't even realize it. :D :D

JoeBob said:
Wow, I'm betting this thread will soon catch up with the Aleph-X thread.

SkinnyBoy said:
It would seem that everybody gets it, and now they are all trying to prove it by being the last poster in this thread.. :rolleyes: I hope you all realise that I WILL WIN!!! HAHAHAH

Hamish said:
for i too, have a knack for thread extiction

Hamish said:
i give in. you have the last word then.


halojoy said:

Yes, I give up too

Peter Daniel said:
I think I know how to help you guys.;) If you want me to open this thread, just send an e-mail. This IS the last word (at least for a while).;)

Peter Daniel said:
By a popular demand that thread is open again.;)

halojoy said:
This thread provides most useful facts of all.
Thanks for the Hearing Damage Sign.
I have copied it at once.

/halo - most thankful :)

kelticwizard said:

You didn't think that yours would be allowed to stand as the The Last Post for long, did you?

All the people who took the time and effort to make this unquestionably The Stupidest Thread In The History Of DIYAudio would never let that happen. I mean, the only "reason"-and I use the word loosely-that anybody is posting here at all is to prevent you from assuming the mantle of Victimhood, ie. the ability to cry, "Everytime I post in a thread everyone leaves".

Not a chance, Circlotron. :D :D

halojoy said:
So Can I get the first word in this thread, please?

/halo - thinks Circlotron just as often has the first Word ;)

Christer said:

Oh, we already know Cyclotron will top that list since everbody
eventually gives up trying to understand his weird designs. :)

halojoy said:
This is a blowup of diyaudio's "favicon.ico"
We can then see how crude it is.
Nothing like an ordinary Loudspeaker.


/halo - the man who blew it up :)

Thread history - a few Milestones
of this unique thread
Once, of course!, locked by moderators
reopened and still alive .....

A piece of diyAudio history


  • diyaudio_favo.gif
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Joined 2002

Ok, as this thread is becoming a complete non relevant waste of bandwidth, I am going to give you all one last chance to get the last word in. So, I will be locking this thread finally and completely, at 00:00 GMT, on the dot, so now you have a bit of a deadline and competition to get the last post. ;)
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