DIY prjector maniging lens

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I have a BoxLight projector.
My Projector located 3meter from the screen (front projection).
While using 4:3 ratio and max zoom, I get a projection sized around 1.8X2.3 meter.

I want to enlarge the projected picture (the screen size) w/o getting the projector away from the screen.
I need the screen to be around 4X5.3 meter.

aka, I'm willing to use lens with home made lens "holdering" (the stuff which holds the lens, connect it to the projector and act as some kind of a reflector).

Does "Fresnel Lens" will do it for me?
Which lens do you recommend?
Where to buy it and how much does it cost?

You want to more than double the image size with a lens extender. That will introduce quite a bit of distortion. You would be better off replacing the entire lens with one of the correct focal length.

You should be able to see the distortion I mentioned by holding a simple weak round magnifier lens in front of the projector lens, and then refocus the image. You can use a weak reading glasses lens for this. Like a 1 or 0.75 Diopter lens.
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