database OHP for DIY beamer usability: is there such a ?

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Hi Forum.
There are links to databases and comparisons what panels are beamer ready, but is there such a thing like a ohp database or a collection of recommendations what overhead projectors are good or not for use in a DIY beamer? I mean: without bulb mods and HMI HQI stuff, just right off the shelf, for beginners purposes?
THX for any info
I'm not aware of any list (although there very well could be). I can tell you that there are only a few things about an OHP that you need to worry about.

1. Fresnels are clean, not scratched
2. Get an OHP with a triplet lens (it'll say in the specs)
3. Get a powerful enough lamp. If you don't mind the electric bill get a 1000W bulb. That'd be pretty bright. Also, you can look at the lumen output of the OHP and multiply it by 0.08. If it's above 150, you should be good.

That's really about it that I can think of. Just about any OHP will work. You'll want to use a 15" or smaller LCD. Make sure the lenses are in good condition (minimal scratches, fogging, etc).
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