Another search function query – How to use Advanced options within a particular Thread?

This issue is about how to order search results by Date?

I am trying to use the Advanced search options in a particular thread so that I can Order the results by Date, without much success. So, there are two issues for me here:
1) Using the normal quick Search does in fact return all the relevant Posts I am looking for, BUT they are ordered according to “Relevance” and not “Date”. I prefer Date order – a chronical order in which a particular issue was discussed. Not sure on what basis the Search function decides how relevant posts are to what I am searching for. So, to default this search to “Date” ordered results would be the best solution for me. Not sure how others feel about this?
2) The above should be possible using the Advanced search option, but there is also an issue. When selecting the Advanced search, you can select the “Search threads” option which opens a lot of nice options. However, you cannot drill down to a particular thread. The “Search in forums:” list lists all the forums, but I cannot drill down to a specific thread in those forums. E.g. – If I want to search for posts relating to potentiometers in the “B1 Buffer Preamp” thread under the “Pass Labs” forum, and I want the results ordered by Date – does not seem possible?

Sorry if this has been addressed in earlier threads.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
As to post #2, the search popup is a fixed element and doesn't respond to the selection, as far as I'm aware.

As to post #1, your query seems valid but we don't seem to have any way of getting what you want. I checked on another XF forum (the search function is even more gimped in that one), and organising search results by any parameter does not work within threads. And you can only search from the primary search box, not from advanced search.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I have also been frustrated by this in the new software. There ought to be a way to do it, but I have not seen it.

However the results within a thread are broadly reverse chronological. Months will get jumbled a bit, but years are in order. Maybe Jason can find a code switch that puts them in strict chronological order.