• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Motor run caps - current production

I'm shopping for motor run caps for tube amp power supplies. I have a smal collection of the classic aluminium can caps like Bosch MP etc.
That style of caps is no longer made so it seems. New ones have a white plastic case. My question is: are these as good as the old style ones?
I've been looking at datasheets, they say 'metalized polypropylene' and what used to be oil is now polyurethane resin.




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Those plastic motor run caps sounded pretty meh to me. They're big, bulky and frankly not very good. I used to use them a lot but when I discovered DC Link caps it was a no-brainer - I sold the lot. Polypropylene doesn't mean all caps sound the same - far from it. Don't bother with these - get DC Link caps from Kemet etc.
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Those plastic motor run caps sounded pretty meh to me. They're big, bulky and frankly not very good. I used to use them a lot but when I discovered DC Link caps it was a no-brainer - I sold the lot. Polypropylene doesn't mean all caps sound the same - far from it. Don't bother with these - get DC Link caps from Kemet etc.
Thanks, it was either those or just go for the DC Links.
The DC Link capacitors are stacked construction. (interleaved electrode plates). This reduces the ESR and ESL greatly, and makes the mechanical structure more consistent. It's not a great surprise that they sound much better.

Motor-run MKP types are often rolled construction, and these have none of the advantages; some of them sound MUCH worse than electrolytics.
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I found the opposite of what some are reporting when I tried some Wima DC link caps. I swapped a pair into an amp in place of some Solen film caps used as the first cap in the power supply and the bass response instantly became very weak. Same uf, same ESR and I even measured the impedance vs frequency. I was shocked as I would never have expected that and honestly didn't expect there to be any change at all. Put some solen caps back in the amp and the bass response returned. I learned just because something looks better on paper, doesn't mean it will sound better or even as good!
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I've been using the Kemets mentioned above for a couple of weeks now.
Replacement of cathode bypass caps made the biggest difference. I used a combination of the ugly white motor run caps and trusty aluminum can Bosch MP oil caps there earlier.
In the power supply the difference was less obvious (old caps there were only the ugly whites) but it has tidied up the sound. (It's a pushpull amp)
Thanks for the solid advice guys!
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I started using Vishay MKP 1848's some years ago as I got a nice lot of them for a really decent price from a friend Germany.

Since then I found that most any of the MKP's (polypropylene dielectric) these days are worth trying if the price is right. I use them in power supplies. These C4AQ ones from Kemet were very good as well.
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