What are you drinking?

Usually, good old Canadian beer, Molsons or Moosehead.
Most unusual was the Bourbon County Stout brought by a friend for a party.
Has quite a kick at 15%, if you can get by the sweet taste and the price. The 4-pack was $35 in 2012.
Empties are for sale on Ebay,,,, go figure.


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In the fridge at the moment:
* Tripel Karmeliet 8.4%
* Katy 9% cider (US ‘hard cider’)
* Bless the Barley 9%

I also have a French cognac style 17% aperitif wine.

I’m not normally a cider person but Katy is medium-dry and made from on type of apple the result is a clean taste.

Bless the Barley is the wining finalist of Beer Masters. Not bad but not your simple taste.
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Sadly enuff, our Systembolaget (state owned alkohol store) just stock 41 kinds of bourbon and not all are sold in all stores in our country, but this one I found nearby and like: Buffalo Trace.

The Systembolaget is owned by the Swedish state as we have rather strict rules when it comes to alcohol. The stores guarantee nothing is sold to anyone younger than 20, that the products are up to high quality and the assortment is varied. Besides the staff is trained to be nice and helpful and I often come with crazy question like 'what do I drink to a whole ovenbaked bluewhale or deep fried dronts ...', but seriously, getting good and often varied suggestions for the same dish. I've come home with halfsweet white wine as well as claret to go with my Schrimp Dianne, and all suggestions has worked.
Sadly enuff, our Systembolaget (state owned alkohol store) just stock 41 kinds of bourbon and not all are sold in all stores in our country, but this one I found nearby and like: Buffalo Trace.
I prefer rye to bourbon, but can't do it like it was 20 years ago! Canadian whiskey has a lower alcohol content.

For rye, if you can get it: Bulleit.
Drinking tap water, right out of the spigot. Savage that I am.
I'm lucky, I live in what was a separate village but now is like a suburb to a small town. Blaye draws it's water from one lake and Carmaux draws their's from another lake. Ours is entirely drinkable with no taste of chlorine, whilst Carmaux's is undrinkable. The restaurants in Carmaux are entirely happy with this situation because it means that everyone buys bottled mineral water.
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Ohhhh so tasty. Continental Airlines sent us this for Christmas. Good sipping rum.
@Cal Weldon my rum buddy - Have you tried this?
View attachment 1025860
Yes my friend, it's fortified so it has that extra yummy to it. So good in fact that my brother and I give one another a bottle every year on our respective birthdays. Glad you have found the not so secret elixir. :)
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Do you elite admins have some unseen power that us mere mortals do not yet possess?

I've been looking for that "thank you" button, perhaps I've misplaced it.

Drinking my morning coffee, decaf... Two weeks of headache and shivers to ween me off the only legal drug, caffeine.
I did manage to quit caffeine, I could not stop drinking coffee. About a month on the straight and narrow now, at least I still have alcohol! 😅